Session V

Wednesday, March 27, 9:00 a.m.
Locations listed by Building, Room

Learning Skills: Beyond the Resource Room and Study Hall  
Building A, Room 1
Kate Caliri, Dean of Admission; The Leelanau School
Rob Hansen, Head of School; The Leelanau School 

Small boarding schools are the perfect place to try innovative classes designed for the biggest impact on teenage brains. At Leelanau, "Learning Skills" is just that – students learning the skills that work for them to be productive, empowered, and happy in their school and professional work. This class is for every student, every year, because we believe every student has room to grow and the capacity to learn about themselves as learners. Scaffolded over the four years of high school, Learning Skills classes are facilitated by Learning Specialists who serve as advocates and guides. Rooted and driven by students’ goals for academic and personal growth, the Learning Skills classes are committed to helping students establish a basic set of metacognitive and executive functioning strategies. The presentation will cover class design, assessment strategies, success stories, and what we have learned to design this program.
Pivoting All That Potential - And The Parents, Too
Building C, Room 11
Ben Mason, Educational Consultant; Mason Associates 

Small boarding schools often have to work double overtime to get certain students to graduation. Yet, what happens next after the team is disbanded: the tutors, mentors, executive function, and life coaches have scattered or been pushed away? Perhaps a gap year, volunteering, or travel to gain maturity before re-applying? Or just find any college. Drop out? Transfer? Odd jobs? Low self-esteem? Depression and anxiety? Screens or substances? The basement? This presentation will explore stories about families who survived high school and how they successfully pivoted to a more rewarding and meaningful education where their children engaged in a deeper curiosity, passion, or unique talent, ultimately finding inner direction and new skills. We will address parents' fears as they pursue new directions after years of frustration in traditional academic settings. We will outline ways to assess each student's unique career aptitudes, explain how to find appropriate educational settings, establish enrollment protocols, explore possible residential and personal supports, and demystify the learning world for these high-potential, but school-avoidant young adults and their still-hopeful parents. 

Trends and Insights from The Association of Boarding Schools
Town Hall, Swan Studio
Emily Breite, Senior Vice President, Member Learning and Engagement; TABS 

Join us to take a look at the state of boarding across North America with a discussion of the top issues on the minds of TABS boarding school leaders and staff. We’ll explore admissions trends, including analytics and insights about family priorities, developments in boarding school staffing and retention, trends in student health and wellbeing, the future of technology, and more. 

The Next Step: Chief Revenue Officer to Chief Executive  
Town Hall, Blue Lounge (Room 14)
Willian Kummel, Principal; Rational Partners
Ann Snyder, Senior Director, Engagement; CASE 
 Join Bill Kummel of Rational Partners and Ann Snyder of CASE to learn why you might be the next best Head of School. With an ever-changing job description, increased demand for revenue generation, and increasingly complicated fiscal realities, Heads of School need to be savvier than ever before. As the Chief Revenue Officer of your school, your experience and understanding of finance lends itself to becoming a Chief Executive. If you are considering a career as a Head, please join us to consider what else you might need to know as you explore the next step in your career in independent schools. This session will include an overview of school finance, forecasts for the next decade from industry experts, and a discussion of how to translate admission storytelling into advancement storytelling as you ascend to the position of Head.
Admissions and Marketing Strategies to Boost Enrollment    
Kayser/Samford Community Commons, Private Dining Room
Colin Wyenberg, Education Solutions Consultant; Finalsite
Crystal Verran, Director of Marketing and Communications; Wayland Academy

Let's take a walk in your prospective family's shoes! This session will give attendees the opportunity to take a close look at their prospective family journey and provide a framework for auditing that experience. Wayland Academy will share its unique perspective and personal experience, and Finalsite will share industry best practices and insight learned from over 25 years of partnering with schools.    
190 Woodward Drive, Indian Springs, Alabama 35124
Phone: 205.988.3350
Indian Springs School, an independent school recognized nationally as a leader in boarding and day education for grades 8-12, serves a talented and diverse student body and offers admission to qualified students regardless of race, gender, religion, national origin, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Located in Indian Springs, Alabama, just south of Birmingham, the school does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, religion, national origin, ethnicity, or sexual orientation in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, or athletic and other school-administered programs.

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