Annual Report 2022-2023

List of 17 items.

  • Commissioners Level ($250 to $499)

    David Abroms ’01
    Joanna and Al Adams ’62
    Barbie and Steve* Arnold ’66
    Karen and Curt Bassett ’57
    Anne and James Bell ’92
    Carol and Bill Bell ’73
    Peggy and Chris Biga
    Mindy and Dylan Black
    Melanie Buffett ’90
    Lindsey and Lewis Chitwood
    Jeff and Lisa Clifton
    Leigh and Bobby Collier
    Jen and Conrad De Los Santos
    Rebecca Garity DePalma ’80
    Lori and Stephen Dorsky ’71
    Mary Dott ’88 and Scott Deplonty
    Starr Turner Drum ’02 and David Drum
    Betsy Stewart Durst ’09 and Lucas Durst
    Elizabeth and Robert Eckert ’64
    Susan and Sid Evans
    Heidi and Bill Falconer
    Mac Farley ’14
    Patricia Kennedy Fenelon ’82 and Raoul Fenelon
    Nedra and Joey Fetterman ’74
    Anne and Rick Finch ’60
    Peggy and Michael Fleetwood
    Lindsay Frost ’97 and Sam Bhasin
    Kathy and Buddy Gaines
    Irene M. Garcia
    Lawrence Garcia ’88
    Loren Gary ’76
    Elene and Brian Giattina
    Tracee and Paul Gilliam
    Anna and Jon Gray
    Amanda Adams and Wilson Green ’88
    Leah Green ’98
    Cathy and Fritz Grueter
    Carla and Larry Hawley ’68
    Kate Hawley ’09 and Matt Neal
    Nancy and Bradley Hendrix
    Susan and Tom Hodges ’69
    Stanley Holditch
    Kayo and Steven Howard ’83
    Felix Hueting ’10
    Khadija Jahfiya ’11
    Gilbert Johnston ’63
    George Jones ’98
    Ashley and Joe Kerr
    Cathy Bekooy and Sanjay Khare ’85
    Alexa and Eddy Kim ’81
    Beth Folmar Krueger ’91 and Bill Krueger
    Tabitha and Alex Lacy ’78
    Joyce and Jerry Lanning ’59
    Jenny and George LeMaistre ’66
    Michele Forman and Erik Lizee
    Julie and Bob Maharrey
    Margie MacNeille and Julian Mason ’61
    Kathy and Lealand McCharen ’69
    Jana and Mukul Mehra ’91
    Rhonda Nabors
    Susan Hazlett and Ed Norman ’79
    Meg Nunnelley Olsen ’94 and Mark Olsen
    Ronni and Eric Oppenheim
    Kadie and Bryan Peters
    Vicki Vitiello and Jeff Pettus ’73
    Susan Dillard Phillips ’80 and David Phillips
    Paula Purse Pointer
    Sam Pointer ’81
    Kate Konecny Pope ’02 and William Pope
    Sherrie and Bruce Richards ’73
    John and Laura Roberts
    Nancy and Paul Roberts ’73
    Rebecca and Josh Rothman
    Tullia Rushton ’09
    William Rushton ’11
    Kathy and Mike Seltzer ’66
    Ream and Mohamed Shoreibah
    Edina and Sadeep Shrestha
    Mona Singh ’85 and Trevor Jim
    Beverly VonDer Pool and Phillip Smith
    Roberta and Gilbert Stamp ’66
    David and Janet Standaert
    Kimberly and Michael Steiner ’95
    Linda and Ed Stephenson ’65
    Anne and Richard Theibert
    Irene and Dorion Thomas ’90
    Keith Thomson
    Talia and Barry Tobias ’98
    Andre Toffel ’72
    Cia and Brock Tompkins
    Catherine Cox and Kate Tremblay
    Weslie and Greg Wald
    Joel Thomas Walker ’87
    Tricia and Troy Wallwork
    Helen Deas Walton ’82 and Randy Walton
    Marjorie Lee White ’88
    Rebecca Rutsky White ’91 and Hal White
    Amy and Chris Williams
    Ellen Witt
    Terry Woodrow ’63
    Elizabeth and Fred Wooten ’61
  • Development Day Level ($100 to $249)

    Ona Gribben Adams ’04
    Patrick Anderson ’92
    Miranda Armstrong
    Anne Knox Morton Averitt ’04 and Austin Averitt
    Snehal and Sanjiv Bajaj ’98
    Monica Shovlin and Chris Baxley ’79
    Diane and Dan Berkowitz
    Ilene and Dan Berman ’82
    April and Blake Berry
    Kristin and William Blackerby ’05
    Josephine and Bill Blackwell ’66
    Marie and Duncan Blair ’75
    David Bloom ’08
    Chris Booz
    Chris Breyer ’75
    Kathy and Clark Browne ’66
    John Brunzell
    Sam Burn ’88
    Anne and John Burruss
    Marion Chartoff and Kevin Butler
    Cristel Paredes Flores and Napoleon Castaneda
    Pinkie and Bryan Chace ’74
    Renee Chow and Chung Kau
    Clara Chung and Glenn Fleisig
    Cason Benton and Stuart Cohen
    Jen and Dale Colorado
    Caroline Wingo Colvin ’95 and Clay Colvin ’95
    Jeanne Conerly ’80 and David Venturo
    Pam and Bob Cooper
    Christine and Darryl Copeland
    Allyson and Elliot Corenblum ’03
    Sheri and John Corey ’75
    Martha Anne Rich and Bill Craig
    Carolyn and Richard Crocker ’65
    Gisele and Steve Crowe
    Annie Damsky ’98 and Mark Brink
    Mary Lee and David Darby ’61
    Kathryn D’Arcy
    Becky and Jim Davis
    Colin Davis
    Taylor and Rick Davis
    Kim and Taylor Docking
    Debra and Philip Dozier ’73
    Patty B. and David Driscoll
    Jennifer and Burton Dunn
    Anne* and John Durward ’90
    Dr. Claire Maples Edwards ’89
    Lisa and Craig Edwards
    Janet and Erik Eide ’96
    Amy Finkelstein ’95 and Myles Steiner
    Jan Fortson
    Melissa Fowler Jackson ’98 and Joshua Jackson
    Sarah Frazier ’90 and Marc Sennewald
    Katherine Whitley Fuller ’04 and Mark Fuller
    Diane and Tom Gamble ’60
    Cathy and Henry Garrett ’70
    Sarah and Jonathan Geisen
    Terri and David Glasgow
    Shira and Matthew Goldberg
    Ann and Richard Goldstein ’69
    Kathleen and Jesse Graham ’56
    Stacey Grayson
    Mandy and James Griffin
    Thao Nguyen and Truong Ha
    Ann and Tim Hamner
    Michelle Hampton
    Colleen and Steve Hart ’83
    Pattie and James Hendrix ’63
    Laura Moon Hopson ’90
    Frannie and Randolph Horn ’83
    Tammi Caldwell and Jonathan Horn ’75
    Mary and Cutter Hughes ’61
    Li Hua and Hua Jiang
    Amelia Johnson and Tony Diliberto
    Sarita and Geoffrey Johnson
    Molly and Gilbert Johnston ’96
    Bailey Jones ’79
    Hye-Sook Jung and Jinchul Kim
    Catherine Balcarek Kasravi ’91 and Reza Kasravi
    Maura and Jerry Kennedy ’66
    Dong-Keun Kim ’96
    Hong-Young Kim ’04
    Anna Elizabeth and Byron Knowles
    Mac LaCasse
    Nina Reynolds Lanier ’02 and Justin Lanier
    Susan and Billy Lapidus
    Joonsuk Lee ’93
    Linda and Kenan* Lupton ’66
    Michelle and Herbert Luria
    Lelie and David MacLeod
    Karen and Harry Maring ’72
    Alice Marson ’13
    Zachary Martin ’09
    Devra and Robert Maulitz ’64
    Shannon and Pedro Mayor
    Dawn and Joe McCarty
    Anne and Kevin McGuire ’70
    Glenda and Jimmy McPherson ’56
    Ruth Ann and Jack McSpadden ’64
    Cheryl and Burk McWilliams ’65
    Anjali and Mohit Mehra
    Brenda and Wayne Meshejian ’63
    Sara and Tommy Moody ’64
    Homa Rabiee and Hamid Moradkhani
    Jenny Morgan ’96
    Stephanie Morris and Jason Morris
    Tracy and Chris Mullinax
    Jane Latham Hodges Nance ’07 and Alex Nance
    Sarah Mills Nee ’03 and Jon Nee
    Lea Novakova and Jan Novak
    Jamie and Greg Odrezin
    Leslie and Peter O’Neil
    David Dashiell and Norton Owen ’72
    Christina and Evan Pantazis ’09
    George Ann and Alton Parker
    Therese and Pat Parks ’84
    Madeleine and Hubert Pearce
    Anne and Chappy Perry ’66
    Thornton Prayer ’82
    Rachel Wallace Preskitt and Ryan Preskitt
    Debbie and Larry Quan ’68
    Laura and Erskine Ramsay ’64
    Connie and Devin Reeves
    Michele and Rod Reisner ’84
    Debra Riffe
    Shannon Riffe ’00 and Matt Burton
    Beebe and David Roberts ’61
    Charles Robinson ’59
    Ramsey Rossmann ’15
    Leah and Mike Rowlett
    Kari and Gary Rubin ’73
    Betsy and Daniel Russakoff ’92
    Charlotte and Robert Russell ’76
    Judy and Ed Rutsky
    Betsy and John Saxon
    Kiki and Pierre Scalise
    Bentley Turner Schoening ’04 and Brian Schoening
    Carol Schwebel
    Susanne and Jim Shine ’77
    Amy and Jeffrey Sides ’91
    Amy and Brad Skiff
    Ashley Smith ’90
    Dorothy and Jodie Smith
    Judy and M. D. Smith ’59
    Virginia and Ben Spradlin
    Paul Steiner ’79
    Melody and Doug Tagtmeyer
    Cantey and Jim Tanner ’64
    John Tanquary ’74
    Lourdes Sanchez-Lopez and David Taylor
    John Terry ’63
    Fergus Tuohy ’96 and Michael Barnett
    Julia and Charles Unger ’72
    Cindy and Greg Van Horn
    Caroline Harada and Fredrick Vars
    Anna Clark Velasco ’88 and Eric Velasco
    Bonnie and Ken Vines ’56
    Angela and Sam Waldo ’69
    Mitzi and Mark Waldo ’75
    Amy and Tim Wammack
    Jie Liu and Chankun Wang
    Lucy and Elias Watson ’58
    Pamela and William Weeks ’69
    Holly Ellis Whatley ’84 and Prince Whatley
    Alexa Whitehead ’01
    Andrea and Larry Whitehead
    Sarah and Chris Whitley ’99
    Kimberly and Scott Wilder
    Janice Williams
    Trenton Williams ’19
    Mike Witten ’75
    Ashleigh and Hunter Wolfe
    Tom Wolfe ’93
    Brian Woods ’90
    Ham Inn and Shih Bin Wu
    Rachael Mills ’01 and Jim Yarbrough ’01
    Patrick Yu ’02
    Benjamin Zheng ’21
    Cody Zhou ’19
  • Up to $100

    Sebastian Ahn ’98
    India and D’Anthony Allen
    Regina and John Ammon
    Krissie Ames Axon ’92
    Hallie and Neil Barrett
    Joe Bean ’11
    Virginia and Morris Benners ’65
    Chad Bickerton ’05
    Martins Blums ’01
    Jordan Brooks
    Judith and Bill Bross ’79
    Annie and Greg Butrus
    Daniel Calloway
    Athena Chang
    Cathy and Vernon Chaplin ’03
    Anna and Dan Clinkman
    Yolanda Crous ’91
    Sabrina Cuadra
    Jim David ’85
    Will Davis ’86
    Amy and Clint Dillard ’84
    Julien Drogoul ’02
    Michelle Emanuel ’88
    Jack ’10 and Hannah Feist
    Lida Fitts ’92
    Jim Flaniken
    Emily Fleisig ’13
    Julia Fleisig ’16
    Travis Franklin
    Chelsea and Matthew Furnas ’06
    Annie and Ryan Galey
    Reese and Sally Ganster ’63
    Catherine Goodrich ’20
    Theo N. Greene
    Conor Gubbins
    Matias Gutierrez ’13
    Laura Young Heacock ’01 and David Heacock ’01
    Catherine Hinson ’25
    Lauren and Glen Howard ’67
    Ann and David Hunt ’84
    Leslie and Chris Hurt
    Becca Fletcher Impello ’91 and Joe Impello
    Marisa Bradford Inge ’02 and Edward Inge ’02
    Alex Jamroz ’11
    Bill Jenkins ’73
    Shannon Johnson ’88
    Sommerville Johnston ’99
    Mary Beth Katz
    Leo Kayser III ’62
    Huhn Yong Kim ’07
    Alisa Boll Kurian ’94 and Jon Kurian
    Charlotte and Spencer Leffel
    Tessa Magnuson
    Katherine and George Mange
    Michael McGowan ’05
    Olga Mendoza
    Lisa Miller
    Will Miller ’21
    Amy Timms Mills ’95
    Tamara and Kazuo Moriya ’84
    Lydia and Rob Moxley 62
    Rebecca and Joshua Neel
    Anna and Gunnar Olson
    Over the Top Toffee
    Sarah and D. G. Pantazis ’03
    April Moate and Eric Patat
    Dane Peterson
    Megan Eskridge Pino ’08 and Justin Pino
    Erica and Michael Richie
    Susie and Jason Riffe ’03
    Ida Zhu and Times Shi
    Andrea and David Simon ’73
    John Slaughter ’20
    Virginia Slaughter ’22
    Dottie and Jeffrey Smith ’61
    Rebecca Smith ’02
    Tracy and Benjie Spence
    Mrs. Mary Lee W. Sullivan
    Cason Swaid ’23
    Christina Tetzlaff
    Leah Tharpe ’03 and Miles Duffy
    Anne and Lee Thomas ’70
    Becky Thomas ’81
    Ben Thomas ’62
    Lauren and Grey Tilden ’98
    Unum Group
    Debra and Hubert Van Tuyll ’73
    Connie Coxe ’79 and Donald Vickers
    Billie Jo and Clinton Waara
    Eboni Washington ’07
    Pam Weaver
    Darci and Brian Willis ’96
    Leigh Wilson and Alex Khamis
    Brian Padgett and Cal Woodruff
    Amanda and Lee Wright
  • Board of Governors (100% Participation)

    Robert Aland ’80
    Myla Calhoun
    Clara Chung
    Martin Damsky ’68
    Starr Turner Drum ’02
    Alan Engel ’73
    Joe Farley ’81
    Jerolyn Ferrari
    Elise May Frohsin ’88
    Braxton Goodrich ’93
    Elizabeth Goodrich
    Kyung Han ’85
    Connie Hill
    John Hudson
    Ben Hunt ’82
    Leo Kayser III ’62
    Emily Hess Levine ’01
    Jimmy Lewis ’75
    Ellen McElroy ’78
    Randall Minor ’99
    Scott Pulliam ’85
    Lia Rushton
    Hanson Slaughter ’90
  • Alumni Council (100% Participation)

    W. C. Bass ’97
    Johnny Creel ’79
    Starr Turner Drum ’02
    Betsy Stewart Durst ’09
    Claire Maples Edwards ’89
    Emily Fleisig ’13
    Matthew Furnas ’06
    Andrea Engel Haines ’03
    Kate Hawley ’09
    Alex Jamroz ’11
    Kazuo Moriya ’84
    Sarah Mills Nee ’03
    Daniel Odrezin ’05
    Evan Pantazis ’09
    Kate Konecny Pope ’02
    Rod Reisner ’84
    Jason Riffe ’03
    Mark Sabel ’84
    Rhett Walker ’83
  • Parents Association Leadership (100% Participation)

    Regina and John Ammon
    Gabe Matese and Jeff Barton
    Elizabeth and Bart Crawford
    Jen and Conrad De Los Santos
    Jennifer and Burton Dunn
    Elise May Frohsin ’88 and Hank Frohsin
    Elene and Brian Giattina
    Elizabeth and Mike Goodrich ’90
    Connie Hill and Doug Turner
    Michele Forman and Erik Lizee
    Danny Markstein ’92
    Jeanne and Richard Monk III
    Meg Nunnelley Olsen ’94 and Mark Olsen
    Connie and Devin Reeves
    Laura Schiele Robinson ’86 and Steven Robinson
    Ream and Mohammed Shoreibah
    Edina and Sadeep Shrestha
    Erin and Shane Street
    Melody and Doug Tagtmeyer
    Cia and Brock Tompkins
    Tricia and Troy Wallwork
    Rebecca Rutsky White ’91 and Hal White
  • Alumni

    Class of 1955 - 10% (2 of 10)
    John Creamer ’55
    Mark Myatt ’55

    Class of 1956 - 16.13% (5 of 31)
    John Bigger ’56
    Jesse Graham ’56
    Jimmy McPherson ’56
    Bill Slaughter ’56
    Ken Vines ’56

    Class of 1957 - 50% (7 of 14) 
    John Badham ’57
    Curt Bassett ’57
    Nicholas Cairns ’57
    Wyatt Haskell ’57
    Richard Monk ’57
    Grady Richardson ’57
    Andy Strickland ’57

    Class of 1958 - 31.8% (7 of 22) 
    Tommy Donald ’58
    Chip Gamble ’58
    Charles Hohenberg ’58
    Joe Pigford ’58
    Bobby Sherman ’58
    Arthur Toole ’58
    Elias Watson ’58

    Class of ’59 - 30.4% (7 of 23) 
    Bob Athey ’59
    Allan Cruse ’59
    David Huggin ’59
    Jerry Lanning ’59
    Sandy Petrey ’59
    Charles Robinson ’59
    M. D. Smith ’59

    Class of 1960 - 20.8% (5 of 24)
    Ehney Camp ’60
    Rick Finch ’60
    Tom Gamble ’60
    Harry Harrison ’60
    John Oliver ’60*

    Class of 1961 - 30.4% (7 of 23) 
    David Darby ’61
    Cutter Hughes ’61
    Prescott Kelly ’61
    Julian Mason ’61
    David Roberts ’61
    Jeffrey Smith ’61
    Fred Wooten ’61

    Class of 1962 - 32% (8 of 25)
    Al Adams ’62
    Frank Carter ’62
    Phil Cook ’62
    Fred Heath ’62
    Leo Kayser III ’62
    Rob Moxley ’62
    Frank Samford ’62*
    Ben Thomas ’62

    Class of 1963 - 50% (13 of 26) 
    Tom Adams ’63
    C.P. Bagby ’63
    Chip Feazel ’63
    Reese Ganster ’63
    Mike Goodrich ’63
    James Noble Hendrix ’63
    Jay Holekamp ’63
    Gilbert Johnston ’63
    Wayne Meshejian ’63
    B. G. Minisman ’63
    Gray Plosser ’63
    John Terry ’63
    Terry Woodrow ’63

    Class of 1964 - 29.6% 
    Don Brunson ’64
    Robert Eckert ’64
    Larry Futrell ’64
    Robert Maulitz ’64
    Jack McSpadden ’64
    Erskine Ramsay ’64
    Leo Sullivan-Bashinsky ’64
    Jim Tanner ’64

    Class of 1965 - 16.22% (6 of 37) 
    Morris Benners ’65
    Dick Crocker ’65
    Rob Henrikson ’65
    Burk McWilliams ’65
    John Simmons ’65
    Ed Stephenson ’65

    Class of 1966 - 59% (23 of 39)
    Bill Blackwell ’66
    Clark Browne ’66
    Tim Committe ’66
    David Faber ’66
    Bill Goodrich ’66
    Kirk Hawley ’66
    Donald Hess ’66
    Greg Hodges ’66
    Jerry Kennedy ’66
    George LeMaistre ’66
    Robert Levin ’66
    Tom Lewis ’66
    Kenan Lupton ’66*
    Tom Nolen ’66
    Chappy Perry ’66
    Charles Plosser ’66
    Alston Ray ’66
    Richard Scruggs ’66
    Mike Seltzer ’66
    Rick Sprague ’66
    Gilbert Stamp ’66
    Mark Warner ’66
    Frank Wingate ’66

    Class of 1967 - 10.8% (4 of 37)
    Eddie Ashworth ’67
    Tom Byers ’67
    Kenneth Christian ’67
    Glen Howard ’67

    Class of 1968 - 28.6% (10 of 35)
    Martin Damsky ’68
    Larry Hawley ’68
    Bob Hogan ’68
    Bob Lipson ’68
    Alan Matthews ’68*
    Henry McHenry ’68
    Frank Morring ’68
    Larry Quan ’68
    Allan Solomon ’68
    Tom Whitehurst ’68

    Class of 1969 - 21.88% (7 of 32)
    Paul Goldfarb ’69
    Richard Goldstein ’69
    Tom Hodges ’69
    Lealand McCharen ’69
    Clark Smith ’69
    Sam Waldo ’69
    Bill Weeks ’69

    Class of 1970 - 22.5% (9 of 40) 
    Henry Garrett ’70
    Mitch Ives ’70
    Hank Long ’70
    Sam McAliley ’70
    Kevin McGuire ’70
    John Owen ’70
    Bill Pittman ’70
    Dick Richardson ’70
    Lee Thomas ’70

    Class of 1971 - 9.1% (3 of 33)
    John Breyer ’71
    Stephen Dorsky ’71
    Clark Scott ’71

    Class of 1972 - 14.6% (7 of 48)
    Joon Yong Kim ’72
    Harry Maring ’72
    Norton Owen ’72
    Michael Routman ’72
    Tom Smith ’72
    Andre Toffel ’72
    Charles Unger ’72

    Class of 1973 - 31.7% (13 of 41) 
    Bill Bell ’73
    Philip Dozier ’73
    Alan Engel ’73
    Doug Hunter ’73
    Bill Jenkins ’73
    Jeff Pettus ’73
    Bruce Richards ’73
    Paul Roberts ’73
    Gary Rubin ’73
    David Simon ’73
    Tommy Siniard ’73
    Jim Tyrone ’73
    Hubert Van Tuyll ’73

    Class of 1974 - 15.36% (9 of 59) 
    E. T. Brown ’74
    Bryan Chace ’74
    Jon Edge ’74
    Joey Fetterman ’74
    Michael Levine ’74
    Dan Mosley ’74
    Craig Pittman ’74
    Rusty Rushton ’74
    John Tanquary ’74

    Class of 1975 - 27.3% (12 of 44) 
    Jack Aland ’75
    Duncan Blair ’75
    Chris Breyer ’75
    Steven Corenblum ’75
    John Corey ’75
    Bill Engel ’75
    Jonathan Horn ’75
    Jimmy Lewis ’75
    David Matthews ’75
    James Scott ’75
    Mark Waldo ’75
    Mike Witten ’75

    Class of 1976 - 7.5% (3 of 40) 
    Loren Gary ’76
    Robert Russell ’76
    David Sullivan ’76

    Class of 1977 - 2.5% (1 of 40) 
    Jim Shine ’77

    Class of 1978 - 14.29% (5 of 35) 
    Jody Klip Black ’78
    Macke Mauldin ’78
    Ellen McElroy ’78
    Don Pittman ’78
    Deak Rushton ’78

    Class of 1979 - 23.9% (11 of 46) 
    Amanda Adams ’79
    Mike Atchison ’79
    Chris Baxley ’79
    Bill Bross ’79
    Johnny Creel ’79
    Bailey Jones ’79
    Ed Norman ’79
    Alison Pool-Crane ’79
    Paul Steiner ’79
    Connie Coxe Vickers ’79

    Class of 1980 - 15.2% (7 of 46) 
    John Abbot ’80
    Robert Aland ’80
    William Belser ’80
    Jeanne Conerly ’80
    Rebecca Garity DePalma ’80
    Susan Dillard Phillips ’80
    Amy McDaniel Williams ’80

    Class of 1981 - 20% (7 of 35) 
    Tommy Boshell ’81
    Lisa Dean Columbia ’81
    Joe Farley ’81
    Eddy Kim ’81
    Sam Pointer ’81
    Karen Shepard ’81
    Becky Thomas ’81

    Class of 1982 - 19.15% (9 of 47) 
    Dan Berman ’82
    Caroline Clark ’82
    Patricia Kennedy Fenelon ’82
    Ben Hunt ’82
    Jessica Spira Kahn ’82
    Lawrence Katz ’82
    Thornton Prayer ’82
    Katrina Armstrong Randall ’82
    Helen Deas Walton ’82

    Class of 1983 - 9.3% (4 of 43) 
    Steve Hart ’83
    Randolph Horn ’83
    Steven Howard ’83
    Rhett Walker ’83

    Class of 1984 - 25% (11 of 44) 
    Jennifer Bain ’84
    Clint Dillard ’84
    Drew Edge ’84
    Dansby Evans ’84
    David Hunt ’84
    Bruce Kuhnel ’84
    Kazuo Moriya ’84
    Pat Parks ’84
    Rod Reisner ’84
    Mark Sabel ’84
    Holly Ellis Whatley ’84

    Class of 1985 - 17.02% (8 of 47) 
    Lisa Barnard ’85
    Kelly Bodnar Battles ’85
    Jim David ’85
    David Garcia ’85
    Kyung Han ’85
    Sanjay Khare ’85
    Donna Peters ’85
    Scott Pulliam ’85
    Mona Singh ’85

    Class of 1986 - 8.70% (4 of 46) 
    Will Davis ’86
    Virginia Bledsoe Mattox ’86
    MK Myatt ’86
    Laura Schiele Robinson ’86

    Class of 1987 - 10.81% (4 of 37) 
    Roger Baldwin ’87
    Larry Brook ’87
    David Oh ’87
    Joel Walker ’87

    Class of 1988 - 22.22% (14 of 63) 
    Denil Bryson ’88
    Sam Burn ’88
    Mary Dott ’88
    Michelle Emanuel ’88
    Joe Embry ’88
    Elise May Frohsin ’88
    Lawrence Garcia ’88
    Wilson Green ’88
    Shannon Johnson ’88
    Alison Goldstein Lebovitz ’88
    Mark Nelson ’88
    Anna Clark Velasco ’88
    Lauren Wainwright ’88
    Marjorie Lee White ’88

    Class of 1989 - 1.96% (1 of 51) 
    Claire Maples Edwards ’89

    Class of 1990 - 20% (10 of 50) 
    Melanie Buffett ’90
    John Durward ’90
    Sarah Frazier ’90
    Mike Goodrich ’90
    Laura Moon Hopson ’90
    Susanna Myers ’90
    Hanson Slaughter ’90
    Ashley Smith ’90
    Dorion Thomas ’90

    Class of 1991 - 21.57% (11 of 51) 
    Julian Bennett ’91
    Yolanda Crous ’91
    Becca Fletcher Impello ’91
    Radhi Prasad Kakarla ’91
    Catherine Balcarek Kasravi ’91
    Beth Folmar Krueger ’91
    Adam Lichtenstein ’91
    Mukul Mehra ’91
    Jeffrey Sides ’91
    Will Slaughter ’91
    Rebecca Rutsky White ’91

    Class of 1992 - 14.52% (9 of 62) 
    Patrick Anderson ’92
    Krissie Ames Axon ’92
    James Bell ’92
    Pilar Childs Dostal ’92
    Lida Fitts ’92
    Jeff Gale ’92
    Danny Markstein ’92
    Molly Myers ’92
    Daniel Russakoff ’92

    Class of 1993 - 18.75% (9 of 48) 
    Braxton Goodrich ’93
    Joonsuk Lee ’93
    Caldwell Marks ’93
    David Nelson ’93
    Naomi Nelson ’93
    Alan O’Neil ’93
    Tamara Huffstutler Wolfe ’93
    Tom Wolfe ’93
    David Woodall ’93

    Class of 1994 - 7.41% (4 of 54) 
    Jesanna Cooper ’94
    Sam Eskildsen ’94
    Alisa Boll Kurian ’94
    Meg Nunnelley Olsen ’94

    Class of 1995 - 12.70% (8 of 63) 
    Caroline Wingo Colvin ’95
    Clay Colvin ’95
    Amy Finkelstein ’95
    John Green ’95
    Amy Timms Mills ’95
    Stuart Nelson ’95
    Michael Steiner ’95
    Martin Tobias ’95

    Class of 1996 - 15.87% (10 of 63) 
    Brian Alldredge ’96
    Jen Spears Bashford ’96
    Alexee Deep Conroy ’96
    Erik Eide ’96
    Gilbert Johnston ’96
    Dong-Keun Kim ’96
    Jenny Morgan ’96
    Kayser Strauss ’96
    Fergus Tuohy ’96
    Brian Willis ’96

    Class of 1997 - 6.35% (4 of 63) 
    W. C. Bass ’97
    Lindsay Frost-Bhasin ’97
    Thomas McWilliams ’97
    Paget Pizitz Taylor ’97

    Class of 1998 - 13.9% (10 of 72) 
    Sanjiv Bajaj ’98
    Annie Damsky ’98
    Melissa Fowler Jackson ’98
    Leah Green ’98
    Sarah Urist Green ’98
    George Jones ’98
    Kevin Tavakoli ’98
    Grey Tilden ’98
    Barry Tobias ’98
    Graham Wong ’98

    Class of 1999 - 4.76% (3 of 63) 
    Sommerville Johnston Bevilaqua ’99
    Randall Minor ’99
    Chris Whitley ’99

    Class of 2000 - 2.9% (2 of 69) 
    David Killion ’00
    Shannon Riffe ’00

    Class of 2001 - 17.81% (13 of 73) 
    David Abroms ’01
    Madeleine Hill Bayless ’01
    Martins Blums ’01
    Patrick Bradley ’01
    David Heacock ’01
    Laura Young Heacock ’01
    Emily Hess Levine ’01
    Henry Long ’01
    Rachael Mills ’01
    Callen Bair Thistle ’01
    Josh Waits ’01
    Alexa Whitehead ’01
    Jim Yarbrough ’01

    Class of 2002 - 17.65% (12 of 68) 
    Cindy Bryan ’02
    Julien Drogoul ’02
    Starr Turner Drum ’02
    Christo Fawal ’02
    Edward Inge ’02
    Marisa Bradford Inge ’02
    Nina Reynolds Lanier ’02
    Kate Konecny Pope ’02
    Justin Routman ’02
    Nirmal Roy ’02
    Rebecca Smith ’02
    Patrick Yu ’02

    Class of 2003 - 18.03% (11 of 61) 
    Vernon Chaplin ’03
    Elliot Corenblum ’03
    Andrea Engel Haines ’03
    Kent Haines ’03
    Sara Kim ’03
    Sarah Mills Nee ’03
    Richard Novak ’03
    D. G. Pantazis ’03
    Jason Riffe ’03
    Leah Tharpe ’03
    Robin Greene Wall ’03

    Class of 2004 - 11.11% (6 of 54) 
    Ona Gribben Adams ’04
    Anne Knox Morton Averitt ’04
    Katherine Whitley Fuller ’04
    Hong-Young Kim ’04
    Sarah Abroms Kunin ’04
    Bentley Turner Schoening ’04

    Class of 2005 - 7.02% (4 of 57) 
    Chad Bickerton ’05
    William Blackerby ’05
    Michael McGowan ’05
    Daniel Odrezin ’05

    Class of 2006 - 1.49% (1 of 67) 
    Matthew Furnas ’06

    Class of 2007 - 4.41% (3 of 68) 
    Huhn Yong Kim ’07
    Jane Latham Hodges Nance ’07
    Eboni Washington ’07

    Class of 2008 - 2.74% (2 of 73)
    David Bloom ’08
    Megan Eskridge Pino ’08

    Class of 2009 - 7.04% (5 of 71)
    Betsy Stewart Durst ’09
    Kate Hawley ’09
    Zachary Martin ’09
    Evan Pantazis ’09
    Tullia Rushton ’09

    Class of 2010 - 2.70% (2 of 74)
    Jack Feist ’10
    Felix Hueting ’10

    Class of 2011 - 5% (4 of 80)
    Joe Bean ’11
    Khadija Jahfiya ’11
    Alex Jamroz ’11
    William Rushton ’11

    Class of 2012 - 1.41% (1 of 71)
    Ilana Engel ’12

    Class of 2013 - 4.35% (3 of 65) 
    Emily Fleisig ’13
    Matias Gutierrez ’13
    Alice Marson ’13

    Class of 2014 - 1.47% (1 of 68) 
    Mac Farley ’14

    Class of 2015 - 1.39% (1 of 72) 
    Ramsey Rossmann ’15

    Class of 2016 - 1.41% (1 of 71) 
    Julia Fleisig ’16

    Class of 2019 - 2.67% (2 of 75)
    Trenton Williams ’19
    Cody Zhou ’19

    Class of 2020 - 2.74% (2 of 73)
    Catherine Goodrich ’20
    John Slaughter ’20

    Class of 2021 - 2.47% (2 of 81)
    Will Miller ’21
    Benjamin Zheng ’21

    Class of 2022 - 1.16% (1 of 86)
    Virginia Slaughter ’22
  • Parents

    Erin and Adam Adrian
    Amy and Mike Albert
    Regina and John Ammon
    Rachel and Neville Baay
    Layla and Roger Baldwin ’87
    Gabe Matese and Jeff Barton
    Diane and Dan Berkowitz
    Shaheen and Michael Bermudez
    Peggy and Chris Biga
    Ginger and Larry Brook ’87
    Marion Chartoff and Kevin Butler
    Annie and Greg Butrus
    Cristel Paredes Flores and Napoleon Castaneda
    Jie Han Li and Xian Xuan Chen
    Libing Zhan and Chuan Chen
    Renee Chow and Chung Kau
    Yunjung Choi and Minyung Chung
    Jen and Dale Colorado
    Caroline Wingo Colvin ’95 and Clay Colvin ’95
    Alexee Deep Conroy ’96 and Matthew Conroy
    Jesanna Cooper ’94 and Michael Morris
    Martha Anne Rich and Bill Craig
    Elizabeth and Bart Crawford
    Bonnie and Jack Dabbs
    Anne Davis and Cris Picard
    Taylor and Rick Davis
    Jen and Conrad De Los Santos
    Priscila and Greg Denny
    Jennifer and Burton Dunn
    Lisa and Craig Edwards
    Pam Doyle and Joe Embry ’88
    Susan and Sid Evans
    Elise May Frohsin ’88 and Hank Frohsin
    Kathy and Buddy Gaines
    Jeff Gale ’92
    Dana Gale
    Sarah and Jonathan Geisen
    Elene and Brian Giattina
    Tracee and Paul Gilliam
    Shira and Matthew Goldberg
    Elizabeth and Mike Goodrich ’90
    Mary and Braxton Goodrich ’93
    Stacey Grayson
    Cathy and Fritz Grueter
    Thao Nguyen and Truong Ha
    Sulaf Hage and Fadi Hage
    Michelle Hampton
    Shumin Liu and Junmin He
    Kathy and Bob Henderson, Jr.
    Nancy and Bradley Hendrix
    Connie Hill and Doug Turner
    Amy Thompson Holditch
    Stanley Holditch
    Becca Fletcher Impello ’91 and Joe Impello
    Natalie and Mike Johnson
    Sarita and Geoffrey Johnson
    Susan Burgess and Mason Kalfus
    Maria and Lawrence Katz ’82
    Ashley and Joe Kerr
    Christine and Charles Kim
    Anna Elizabeth and Byron Knowles
    Kim and KN Kurra
    Nancy and Tony Kurre
    Tabitha and Alex Lacy ’78
    Charlotte and Spencer Leffel
    Emily Hess Levine ’01 and Bob Levine
    Michele Forman and Erik Lizee
    Wenyan Zhang and Guanghua Lou
    Nan Jiang and Shun Lu
    Julie and Bob Maharrey
    Laili and Jim Markert
    Danny Markstein ’92
    Dawn and Joe McCarty
    Kathryn McDonald
    Anjali and Mohit Mehra
    Jana and Mukul Mehra ’91
    Olga Mendoza
    Carole and Matt Miller
    Lisa Miller
    Jeanne and Richard Monk III
    Homa Rabiee and Hamid Moradkhani
    Tamara and Kazuo Moriya ’84
    Stephanie Morris and Jason Morris
    Andrea Cherrington and Mike Mugavero
    Tracy and Chris Mullinax
    MK Myatt ’86 and Randy Earl
    Rhonda Nabors
    Nikki and Paul Nguyen
    Gabriela and Stuart Oates
    Meg Nunnelley Olsen ’94 and Mark Olsen
    Ronni and Eric Oppenheim
    April Moate and Eric Patat
    Kadie and Bryan Peters
    Connie and Devin Reeves
    John and Laura Roberts
    Laura Schiele Robinson ’86 and Steven Robinson
    Janet and Pete Rooney
    Rebecca and Josh Rothman
    Anne Marie Seibel and Steven Rowe
    Mary Helmer and Mark Sabel ’84
    Dana Flynn Schneider and Patrick Schneider
    Yikun and David Schwebel
    Qian Wang and Zhiwei Shen
    Karen Shepard ’81
    Ida Zhu and Times Shi
    Ream and Mohamed Shoreibah
    Edina and Sadeep Shrestha
    Amy and Jeffrey Sides ’91
    Sarah and Will Slaughter ’91
    Ginger Lolley Socolof and Joe Socolof
    Tracy and Benjie Spence
    Galin and Kevin Spicer
    Virginia and Ben Spradlin
    Jenny Carroll and Adam Steinman
    Erin and Shane Street
    Pam and Brett* Sutton
    Christy Swaid and Swaid Swaid
    Heather and Jason Swanner
    Melody and Doug Tagtmeyer
    Elizabeth Barbaree-Tasker and Eric Tasker
    Lourdes Sanchez-Lopez and David Taylor
    Keith Thomson
    Cia and Brock Tompkins
    Catherine Cox and Kate Tremblay
    Anisa Ssengoba-Ubogu and Erobo Ubogu
    Caroline Harada and Fredrick Vars
    Anna Clark Velasco ’88 and Eric Velasco
    Billie Jo and Clinton Waara
    Alison and Rhett Walker ’83
    Tricia and Troy Wallwork
    Helen Gong and Xibo Wang
    Jie Liu and Chankun Wang
    Rebecca Rutsky White ’91 and Hal White
    Kimberly and Scott Wilder
    Amy and Chris Williams
    Barbara and David Williams
    Nicole Williams
    Leigh Wilson and Alex Khamis
    Lisa and Kirk Withrow
    Ellen Witt
    Chang Zhai and Anxin Wu
    Luiwei Zeng and Panrong Xiao
    Jianping Chen and Qiang Yan
    Juan Wang and Yong Yang
    Huifeng Yun and Peng Li
  • Parents of Alumni

    Judy* and Hal Abroms
    Amanda Adams ’79 and Paul Weir
    Erin and Adam Adrian
    Barbara and Jack Aland ’75
    Margaret and Bruce Alexander
    Bonny Forrest and Stephen Armstrong
    Miranda Armstrong
    Betsy and William Belser ’80
    April and Blake Berry
    Mindy and Dylan Black
    Marie and Duncan Blair ’75
    Tommy Boshell ’81
    Adrienne and Julian Brook
    Caroline and E. T. Brown ’74
    Kathy and Clark Browne ’66
    Myla Calhoun
    Clara Chung and Glenn Fleisig
    Caroline Clark ’82
    Jeff and Lisa Clifton
    Cason Benton and Stuart Cohen
    Leigh and Bobby Collier
    Memily and Edward Colvin
    Pam and Bob Cooper
    Christine and Darryl Copeland
    Anna and Chandler Cox
    Martha Anne Rich and Bill Craig
    Elizabeth and Bart Crawford
    Heidi and Martin Damsky ’68
    Colin Davis
    Jen and Conrad De Los Santos
    Amy and Clint Dillard ’84
    Lori and Stephen Dorsky ’71
    Sherry and Andy Driggers
    Patty B. and David Driscoll
    Dr. Claire Maples Edwards ’89
    Lisa and Alan Engel ’73
    Pam and David Eskridge
    Heidi and Bill Falconer
    Ginny and Joe Farley ’81
    Lori and Richard Feist
    Jerolyn Ferrari
    Barbara and Jim Flowers
    Jan Fortson
    Elise May Frohsin ’88 and Hank Frohsin
    Howard E. Furnas III
    Diane and Tom Gamble ’60
    Irene M. Garcia
    Sarah and Jonathan Geisen
    Terri and David Glasgow
    Alice and Paul Goepfert
    Shira and Matthew Goldberg
    Sylvia Goldberg
    Elizabeth and Mike Goodrich ’90
    Gillian and Mike Goodrich ’63
    Sydney and Michael Green
    Theo N. Greene
    Beth and Kirk Hawley ’66
    Carla and Larry Hawley ’68
    Jimmie and Emil Hess*
    Ronne and Donald Hess ’66
    Connie Hill and Doug Turner
    Liz and Greg Hodges ’66
    Kathryn and Edward Hook
    Tammi Caldwell and Jonathan Horn ’75
    Nyya and John Hudson
    Ann and David Hunt ’84
    Becca Fletcher Impello ’91 and Joe Impello
    Amanda and Herndon Inge
    Jacqueline and Mark Jamroz
    Li Hua and Hua Jiang
    Gilbert Johnston ’63
    Hye-Sook Jung and Jinchul Kim
    Mary Beth Katz
    Sandy and Wayne* Killion ’68
    Michelle Lee and Joon Yong Kim ’72
    Mac LaCasse
    Joyce and Jerry Lanning ’59
    Susan and Billy Lapidus
    Malinda and Jimmy Lewis ’75
    Gina and Hank Long ’70
    Michelle and Herbert Luria
    Lelie and David MacLeod
    Julie and Bob Maharrey
    Laili and Jim Markert
    Cathy and Caldwell Marks ’93
    Rosalind and Daniel Markstein 
    Judy and Gerson May
    Michael and Carole Mazer
    Dawn and Joe McCarty
    Emmett and Catherine McLean
    Cheryl and Burk McWilliams ’65
    Carole and Matt Miller
    Tamara and Kazuo Moriya ’84
    Kathy and Mark Myatt ’55
    Rhonda Nabors
    Maizie and Tom Nelson
    Gail and Tom Nolen ’66
    Lea Novakova and Jan Novak
    Carol and Bill Nunnelley
    Jamie and Greg Odrezin
    Leslie and Peter O’Neil
    Libba and John Owen ’70
    Libby and Dennis Pantazis
    George Ann and Alton Parker
    Madeleine and Hubert Pearce
    Don Pittman ’78
    Merritt Pizitz
    Paula Purse Pointer
    Stacy and Scott Pulliam ’85
    Michele and Rod Reisner ’84
    Debra Riffe
    Beebe and David Roberts ’61
    Laura Schiele Robinson ’86 and Steven Robinson
    Rebecca and Josh Rothman
    Anne Marie Seibel and Steven Rowe
    Lia and Rusty Rushton ’74
    Charlotte and Robert Russell ’76
    Judy and Ed Rutsky
    Mary Helmer and Mark Sabel ’84
    Sharon Samford (Frank Samford ’62*)
    Betsy and John Saxon
    Kiki and Pierre Scalise
    Yikun and David Schwebel
    Richard Scruggs ’66
    Ream and Mohamed Shoreibah
    Edina and Sadeep Shrestha
    Rene and John Simmons ’65
    Patti and Scott Simpson
    Diana and Bill Slaughter ’56
    Melissa and Hanson Slaughter ’90
    Beverly VonDer Pool and Phillip Smith
    Dorothy and Jodie Smith
    Judy and M. D. Smith ’59
    Virginia and Ben Spradlin
    Patricia and Rick Sprague ’66
    Roberta and Gilbert Stamp ’66
    David and Janet Standaert
    Virginia and Tim Stone
    Kyle Strange
    Mrs. Mary Lee W. Sullivan
    Linda and Leo Sullivan-Bashinsky ’64
    Christy and Swaid Swaid
    Heather and Jason Swanner
    Ann and David Tharpe
    Anne and Richard Theibert
    Anne and Lee Thomas ’70
    Anisa Ssengoba-Ubogu and Erobo Ubogu
    Connie and Marshall Urist
    Cindy and Greg Van Horn
    Tricia and Troy Wallwork
    Amy and Tim Wammack
    Holly Ellis Whatley ’84 and Prince Whatley
    Andrea and Larry Whitehead
    Richard Whitley
    Amy and Chris Williams
    Barbara and David Williams
    Janice Williams
    Nicole Williams
    Leigh Wilson and Alex Khamis
    Debi and Frank Wingate ’66
    Terry Woodrow ’63
    Ham Inn and Shih Bin Wu
    Tanya and Scott Yeager
  • Grandparents

    Judy* and Hal Abroms
    Adrienne and Julian Brook
    Camille Stein Butrus
    Pat and Ehney Camp ’60
    Memily and Edward Colvin
    Pam and Bob Cooper
    Becky and Jim Davis
    Gillian and Mike Goodrich ’63
    Ronne and Donald Hess ’66
    Jimmie and Emil Hess*
    Dale and John Holditch
    Mary Beth Katz
    Rosalind and Daniel Markstein 
    Judy and Gerson May
    Ann and Richard Monk ’57
    Kathy and Mark Myatt ’55
    Carol and Bill Nunnelley
    Gwen and Carl Oppenheim
    Diana and Gray Plosser ’63
    Judy and Ed Rutsky
    Sharon and Frank* Samford ’62
    Carol Schwebel
    Diana and Bill Slaughter ’56
  • Former Board Members

    John Abbot ’80
    John Badham ’57
    Duncan Blair ’75
    Annie Damsky ’98
    Lisa Engel
    Heidi Falconer
    Mike Goodrich ’63
    Mike Goodrich ’90
    Rob Henrikson ’65
    Donald Hess ’66
    Liz Hodges
    Gilbert Johnston ’63
    Catherine McLean
    Peggy Monaghan
    Rhonda Nabors
    Jamie Odrezin
    D. G. Pantazis ’03
    Libby Pantazis
    Alton Parker
    Gray Plosser ’63
    Kip Porter ’60
    Stacy Pulliam
    Rod Reisner ’84
    Charles Robinson ’59
    Rusty Rushton ’74
    Frank Samford ’62*
    Kiki Scalise
    James Scott ’75
    John Simmons ’65
    Bill Slaughter ’56
    Bill Smith
    Callen Bair Thistle ’01
    Fergus Tuohy ’96
    Holly Ellis Whatley ’84
  • Former Faculty & Staff

    India Allen
    Hallie Barrett
    Mindy Black
    E. T. Brown ’74
    Caroline Wingo Colvin ’95
    Gisele Crowe
    Sabrina Cuadra
    David Eskridge
    Loren Gary ’76
    Edith and Henry McHenry ’68
    Tamara Moriya
    Gunnar Olson
    Michael Routman ’72
    Grey Tilden ’98
    Cindy Van Horn
    Gareth Vaughan
    Tim Wammack
    Scott Yeager
  • Friends of the School

    Barbie Arnold
    Cathy and Mark Boardman
    Chris Booz
    Daniel Calloway
    Lindsey and Lewis Chitwood
    Travis Franklin
    Conor Gubbins
    Laurel Hu and Zhe Su
    Linda Lupton
    Cecilia Matthews 
    Margaret R. Monaghan
    Melissa Oliver
    Pam Weaver
    Sharon Samford
  • Young Alumni Giving Society ($100+)

    For Graduates of the past 10 years (2013-2022)

    Alice Marson ’13
    Ramsey Rossman ’15
    Trenton Williams ’19
    Benjamin Zheng ’21
    Cody Zhou ’19
  • Harvest Market Donors 2022

    Gabe Matese and Jeff Barton
    Betsy and William Belser ’80
    Maud Belser
    Diane and Dan Berkowitz
    Shaheen and Michael Bermudez
    Peggy and Chris Biga
    Mindy and Dylan Black
    Cathy and Mark Boardman
    Ginger and Larry Brook ’87
    Marion Chartoff and Kevin Butler
    Annie and Greg Butrus
    Camille Stein Butrus
    Lindsey and Lewis Chitwood
    Jeff and Lisa Clifton
    Leigh and Bobby Collier
    Memily and Edward Colvin
    Alexee Deep Conroy ’96 and Matthew Conroy
    Jesanna Cooper ’94 and Michael Morris
    Martha Anne Rich and Bill Craig
    Elizabeth and Bart Crawford
    Bonnie and Jack Dabbs
    Heidi and Martin Damsky ’68
    Anne Davis and Cris Picard
    Becky and Jim Davis
    Taylor and Rick Davis
    Jen and Conrad De Los Santos
    Priscila and Greg Denny
    Patty B. and David Driscoll
    Jennifer and Burton Dunn
    Lisa and Craig Edwards
    Pam Doyle and Joe Embry ’88
    Lisa and Alan Engel ’73
    Susan and Sid Evans
    Heidi and Bill Falconer
    Ginny and Joe Farley ’81
    Jerolyn Ferrari
    Elise May Frohsin ’88 and Hank Frohsin
    Kathy and Buddy Gaines
    Jeff Gale ’92
    Dana Gale
    Sarah and Jonathan Geisen
    Elene and Brian Giattina
    Tracee and Paul Gilliam
    Shira and Matthew Goldberg
    Elizabeth and Mike Goodrich ’90
    Gillian and Mike Goodrich ’63
    Mary and Braxton Goodrich ’93
    Cathy and Fritz Grueter
    Carla and Larry Hawley ’68
    Kathy and Bob Henderson, Jr.
    Nancy and Bradley Hendrix
    Connie Hill and Doug Turner
    Amy Thompson Holditch
    Dale and John Holditch
    Stanley Holditch
    Ann and David Hunt ’84
    Natalie and Mike Johnson
    Ashley and Joe Kerr
    Anna Elizabeth and Byron Knowles
    Tabitha and Alex Lacy ’78
    Emily Hess Levine ’01 and Bob Levine
    Michele Forman and Erik Lizee
    Nan Jiang and Shun Lu
    Lelie and David MacLeod
    Julie and Bob Maharrey
    Laili and Jim Markert
    Danny Markstein ’92
    Cecilia Matthews
    Judy and Gerson May
    Kathryn McDonald
    Ellen McElroy ’78
    Anjali and Mohit Mehra
    Jana and Mukul Mehra ’91
    Carole and Matt Miller
    Ann and Richard Monk ’57
    Jeanne and Richard Monk III
    Stephanie Morris and Jason Morris
    Mary Katherine Myatt ’86 and Randy Earl
    Rhonda Nabors
    Gabriela and Stuart Oates
    Meg Nunnelley Olsen ’94 and Mark Olsen
    Alyson and Alan O'Neil ’93
    Over the Top Toffee
    Stacy and Scott Pulliam ’85
    Michele and Rod Reisner ’84
    Laura Schiele Robinson ’86 and Steven Robinson
    Janet and Pete Rooney
    Rebecca and Josh Rothman
    Anne Marie Seibel and Steven Rowe
    Lia and Rusty Rushton ’74
    Mary Helmer and Mark Sabel ’84
    Sabel Law Firm, L.L.C.
    Kiki and Pierre Scalise
    Tracy and Scott Schamberger
    Dana Flynn Schneider and Patrick Schneider
    Yikun and David Schwebel
    Karen Shepard ’81
    Ream and Mohamed Shoreibah
    Edina and Sadeep Shrestha
    Rene and John Simmons ’65
    Jim Simon
    Diana and Bill Slaughter ’56
    Melissa and Hanson Slaughter ’90
    Sarah and Will Slaughter ’91
    Dorothy and Jodie Smith
    Ginger Lolley Socolof and Joe Socolof
    Galin and Kevin Spicer
    Virginia and Ben Spradlin
    Jenny Carroll and Adam Steinman
    Virginia and Tim Stone
    Erin and Shane Street
    Pam and Brett* Sutton
    Christy and Swaid Swaid
    Melody and Doug Tagtmeyer
    Jane and Kevin Tavakoli ’98
    Leah and Bo Taylor
    Lourdes Sanchez-Lopez and David Taylor
    Keith Thomson
    Cia and Brock Tompkins
    Anisa Ssengoba-Ubogu and Erobo Ubogu
    Connie and Marshall Urist
    Caroline Harada and Fredrick Vars
    Anna Clark Velasco ’88 and Eric Velasco
    Alison and Rhett Walker ’83
    Tricia and Troy Wallwork
    Helen Gong and Xibo Wang
    Pam Weaver
    Rebecca Rutsky White ’91 and Hal White
    Kimberly and Scott Wilder
    Amy and Chris Williams
    Barbara and David Williams
    Nicole Williams
    Ellen Witt
    Tom Wolfe ’93
    Luiwei Zeng and Panrong Xiao
  • Students

    Catherine Hinson ’25
    Evan Jack ’23
    Cason Swaid ’23
  • Student Admission Volunteers

    Student Ambassadors
    Mofeyi Adeyemo ’24
    Hopper Akins ’26
    Willa Akins ’24
    Lauren Allen ’26
    Gia Amin ’25
    Blue Ammon ’23
    Simone Bermudez ’26
    Josie Butler ’26
    Julia Butrus ’26
    Jade Calvert ’24
    Sohana Caplash ’25
    Lucy Castaneda Paredes ’25
    Lucy Craig ’23
    Sophie Dabbs ’25
    Cadence Daniel ’25
    Jadyn Daniel ’25
    Katie De Los Santos ’26
    Addison Doyle ’24
    Kennedy Doyle ’25
    Georgia Dunbar ’26
    Mays Dunbar ’24
    Talia El Khatib ’25
    Mason Forman ’24
    Evie Frohsin ’25
    Julia Gale ’25
    Lauren Glover ’27
    Latham Good ’26
    Sophia Graham ’24
    Mary Helen Grayson ’24
    Minseo Ha ’26
    Minh Ha ’23
    Lily Hampton ’24
    Ruby Harris ’25
    Catherine Hinson ’25
    Adriana Johnson ’26
    Gilia Johnson ’26
    Zhara Joseph ’24
    Sherilyn Kau ’26
    Tatum Kelley ’23
    Sarah Khamis ’25
    Stella Kidd ’26
    Leilah Kooshiar ’26
    Shahin Kooshiar ’23
    Sriven Kurra ’27
    Robin Lacy ’25
    Violet Levine ’27
    Cynthia Li ’23
    Annette Linton ’25
    Leo Liu ’24
    Lua Markert ’26
    Elizabeth McCarty ’25
    Ashna Mehra ’27
    Radyn Moradkhani ’25
    Sav Moran ’27
    Breyana Myers ’25
    Yujiro Nakano ’23
    CJ Nwosu ’25
    Yusuf Ozaydin ’24
    Suri Patel ’26
    Alex Robinson ’25
    Norah Roller ’23
    Etta Rominger ’25
    Phoebe Rominger ’23
    Emma Rooney ’27
    Ben Rothman ’23
    James Rumayor ’26
    Kate Seidel ’26
    Aarvi Shah ’26
    Sovan Shrestha ’23
    Anna Sides ’26
    Anna Simms ’23
    Ryleigh Smith ’26
    Jupiter Spensley ’26
    Porter Spicer ’24 
    Frankie Stone ’26
    Avelina Storr ’26
    Nate Street ’24
    Campbell Swanner ’23
    Ember Szaflarski ’23
    Lizzy Tagtmeyer ’24
    Ava Taylor ’24
    Paula Taylor-Sánchez ’25
    Kate Tompkins ’27
    Elio Tosh ’27
    Anna Grace Tremblay-Cox ’26
    Elizabeth Tremblay-Cox ’24
    Aubrey Turner ’24
    Rezi Ubogu ’23
    Mylo Waara ’24
    Alexandra Watson ’26
    Gus Whatley ’26
    Wren Whitaker ’26
    Abigail White ’27
    Grace White ’25
    Samuel White ’25
    Grayson Whitman ’26
    Coco You ’24
    Ally Zhang ’24
    Kalin Zhang ’24

    Student Hosts
    Mofeyi Adeyemo ’24
    Hopper Akins ’26
    Simone Bermudez ’26
    Hayes Blackstone ’24
    Julia Butrus ’26
    Henry Chen ’26
    Galilea Christenberry ’27
    Isaiah Colorado ’27
    Quinn Conroy ’27
    Forrest Crawford ’26
    Sarah Elizabeth Denny ’26
    Comer Goodrich ’23
    Shelby Grueter ’25
    Embree Gunnells ’25
    Alex Hage ’25
    Lily Hampton ’24
    Noah Hendrix ’26
    Duncan Holditch ’26
    Halden Honeycutt ’26
    Gilia Johnson ’26
    Bettie Kerr ’27
    Stella Kidd ’26
    Valentina Knowles ’27
    Leilah Kooshiar ’26
    Sriven Kurra ’27
    Violet Levine ’27
    Leo Lin ’24
    Dillan Lowrie ’23
    Lua Markert ’26
    Collin McLean ’27
    Ashna Mehra ’27
    Radyn Moradkhani ’25
    Sav Moran ’27
    Savannah Pigford ’27
    Emma Rooney ’27
    Elizabeth Rowe ’26
    Isaac Rutsky ’27
    Avelina Storr ’26
    Nate Street ’24
    Kate Tompkins ’27
    Elio Tosh ’27
    Adam Vars ’27
    William Vernon ’27
    Alexandra Watson ’26
    Gus Whatley ’26
    Abigail White ’27
    Grayson Whitman ’26
    Jason Wu ’25
    Max Xu ’25
    Mike Yang ’26
    Ally Zhang ’24
190 Woodward Drive, Indian Springs, Alabama 35124
Phone: 205.988.3350
Indian Springs School, an independent school recognized nationally as a leader in boarding and day education for grades 8-12, serves a talented and diverse student body and offers admission to qualified students regardless of race, gender, religion, national origin, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Located in Indian Springs, Alabama, just south of Birmingham, the school does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, religion, national origin, ethnicity, or sexual orientation in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, or athletic and other school-administered programs.

© 2023 Indian Springs School. All Rights Reserved.